Monday, 03 November 2008

Why Choose Morrissey?

Morrissey is what most would call a loved man. When this bloke is on stage, he is god. The mortals in the pit are unfazed by his controversial antics and offensive nature. They sacrifice their lives just for a chance to touch this holy man. It's actually pretty weird to see. But the weirdest thing about it? I'd probably do it too.

What makes him so special though? He's an adamant supporter of the idiotic PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), and he even went as far as to put his anti-meat ideas onto The Smiths' second album "Meat is Muder",which isn't ideal for getting new fans in a predominatly meat loving world, y'know. His lyrics don't really help his cause very much, either. They're mostly gloom-ridden and terribly sad. Dealing with, like, being lonely and...sad...and depressed. Expect to hear lots of crying, dying, lying, sighing rhymes. Sure, a lot of people can relate to that, but a HELL of a lot can't, which makes this world wide fasination with Morrissey even more bizarre.

Eventhough it can be REALLY depressing, you can't really ignore the fact that his lyrics are some of the best out there. His solo career spawned some of his best:
She told me she loved me
Which means she must be insane
I've had my face dragged
In fifteen miles of shit
And I do not
And I do not
And I do not like it
So how can anybody say
They know how I feel
The only one around here who is me
Is me

How can Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel, You Are The Quarry, 2004
So he's big headed, hypocritical and sometimes even a bit rude and still people admire, love, adore and worship him.
Weird, isn't it? but maybe this is how it should be. Why do we always focus on personal irrelevancies when it comes to the talent? It shouldn't even be a issue that he hates fur coats, meat, the Queen and sometimes, life.
We like him because of his music and words, and I think for us fans, that's more than enough.


Don't know The Smiths/Morrissey? check out these albums:

The Smiths:
The Smiths (1984)
The Queen is Dead (1986)
Louder Than Bombs (1987)

Morrissey (solo):
You Are The Quarry (2004)
Viva Hate (1988)
Vauxhall and I (1994)

Sunday, 02 November 2008

Featured Photographer: Marie Hochhaus

Now that we live in the 21st century, anyone with eyes and a trigger finger can be a photographer. This is great, sure, but it also means that the market is flooded with mediocrity and even of Converse shoes! The market needs help and Marie Hochhaus, a young, imaginative and incredibly talented photographer from Germany, is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Her vibrant, moody and professional take on portrait photography make her work stand out from the rest.
Only 21 years old, Marie has already made an impact with her work and has held exhibitions around her hometown of Hamburg.

You can view her work on her WEBSITE , or on her deviantART

Photos of Obama

Barrack Obama will probably be the next US president (hooray!), but he might consider becoming a part-time model as well.

Time Magazine photographer CALLIE SHELL took some great photos of Obama and his family during the campaign trail. have a look HERE

How to be a Homosapien without being like the other Homosapiens

You're so ______ right now
Nuh uh,you're like totally ______
Why don't you sod off and go be ________ somewhere else.

It's not hard to find a word that fits in there, is it? Sure, you can probably get any word in there (maybe even 'Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism' which is an actual word, I've learned), but what I'm talking about here are those little pesky label things we kids are so obsessed with.
(if Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism didn't work for you...try 'indie')

I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say that being boxed in isn't fun at all. It's actually rather uncomfortable and it can get kind of awkward, for all parties involved. Maybe this is just a load of liberal jumbo bumbo, but being labeled/pigeon-holed/boxed-in SUCKS. It's never even close to the truth and it kicks that 'I'm an individual' thingy right in the skinny jeans-vacuumed balls.
Yeah, it sounds like something Andy Warhol found in a fortune cookie, but you are indeed an individual. You may be so totally indie or arty or hXc or post-rock or post-prog or post-office right now, but that doesn't make it tr00.(metulz!) Just because you like Napoleon Dynamite and The Strokes does not make you iiiiindie. and be happy about that! because nothing sucks more than being stereotyped. and that's exactly what these labels are. stereotypes.

yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, maybe you want to be pigeon-holed. like a little mold you oh so dearly want to fit into. I AM INDIE! I AM ARTY! I AM EMO! but then you'll end up being like this guy:
batteries not included.

hmm. Let that be lesson to you.
Come on! humans! be individuals! Go and slip on a tutu and listen to Strapping Young Lad! put on corpse paint at a Rihanna concert!

After all this yelling I feel a bit knackered. I guess I just wanted to let you all know that you can in fact be whatever the fuck you want. Get a sex-change if that's what you want/need, or just a toffee apple if you like the sweeter things in life. yum yum rawr rawr.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Peaches, Cream and Fake Tan.

So I just had a Red Bull and a Red Apple.
The apple tasted much better and cost me R15 less. I know, right? R2.50 for an apple? Bugger me with a fish fork. But the point of the matter of the fact is that why why why did I buy a Red Bull? I feel completely unstable now. I might just verbally abuse you right now.

I think, or at least my 1300 gram brain seems to convince me of such that I overthink. But now my internet browser is telling me that 'overthink' isn't a word, so what exactly is overthinking if it's not even a Firefox-approved word? What is the correct amount of thinking? Is there some sort of line you cross when one over thinks? Did I cross it now by using 'one'? Probably.
But my god. thinking is so important. I won't be going into elitist mode here, but there's a dangerous amount of unthinking humans out there. You might be one of them. Only you will know. or maybe not even you, since you're not thinking.

You're probably saying to yourself (or your monitor) that "'this bozo doesn't know me! I think all the time!" I'm sure you do, really. Like, about what colour shirt you'll be wearing tonight. A pink one? or a salmon one? Try the strawberry one. and pop that collar like it's no one's business. god damn!

What I'm referring to with 'not thinking' is the intense lack of reasonable and rational thought in our seemingly sophisticated little world. Try and imagine a world without a glimpse of rationality anywhere near you. Stellenbosch is a perfect example. I know I know. "heaven on earth". " 'n kleine bietjie ou Zuid Afrika". Hou vas Johanna! Hierdie swarras wil my grond he!
Give me a break. ok, it's pretty here. we have mountains and like, you know, other cool things. But this place is like a giant bear trap. or boer trap, if that's the kind of thing you're into.

But I actually do love it here. So my only criticism of this rather gorgeous place is its people. Pleasant people I assure you! Kind, Happy and Traditional. Nothing wrong with that! But the comforts of Stellenbosch can lead to trouble. It doesn't prepare you for the real world. Have you seen that movie Bubble Boy? or what about The Truman Show? it's all relevant here.
It's far more dangerous to live in Stellenbosch than in the fabled Hillbrow, since the temptation of staying in this dream world filled with a majority of rather closed minded people is so great. Yeah, okay, it's probably like that with any small town. but maybe I don't want to see Stellenbosch as just another small town. This is no Kroonstad. No Klerksdorp. You know what, sure, live the dream here man! it's all good! just don't drool on me. But I would like to assure the People of Stellenbosch that there is a way out! It's called the N2!

Okay enough moaning and groaning for one day. I think there's some sort of message in this. It's probably about 'thinking' or some bullshit. whatever. Have a nice afternoon. Go and ponder about things. like your existence, or your nails.

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Now, a photographer named Anton!

Anton Corbijn. He takes photos. he makes music videos. and now even feature length movies.

He works with well known bands, including Depeche Mode, U2 and some other shit ones. His debut movie, Control, opened to critical acclaim, or so they say. what is a critic anyway? We're all critics. I'm a critic, and I haven't seen it yet! So damn these critics with their 'formulated' opinions and impressive mustaches!

anyway, I'll share some of the man's work. It's so arty! pfft. it just looks cool.

Friday, 25 January 2008

music for your ear


yes. depeche mode.
a gay group of men they are not. and of course, here I mean 'gay' in that 'happy' way.

Martin L. Gore is a very sad man. I don't know why he is so upset with this life thing, but to be honest, his sorrow makes me very happy. So Mr. Gore, thank you for being such an emo poopie, because you've certainly written some of the coolest music ever.

Choosing my favourite depeche mode album is certainly not an easy task. therefor, I won't be doing it. kthx.


a revelation!

a renaissance man, god, call him what you will. I call him Mike Patton, because that's his name.
He is mostly famous for his work with that band Faith No More. They made this one song called Epic, and yes, it is pretty epic. They made one or two other songs as well, but they were not as epic as epic.
So while Patton
was playing with his Faith No More bandy, he was making noise with Mr. Bungle,
his ??? project.

I say ???, because every album differs. the first one being very circus-metally, the second being very oceany, the third being very
Hawaii...y. Mr. Bungle shot the man to experimental fame, putting his name on every crazy person's chewed-up lips. Since the late 90's he's released more music than any other person on the planet. this is a fact. no need to look it up.

Check out: Mr. Bungle - California
Faith No More - Angel Dust
Fantomas - Director's Cut
Tomahawk - Tomahawk


she likes to boogie. me too!

She's british! she's hot! Her rhombus face may upset, even disturb younglings, but once you can handle the sheer beauty of that jawline, no war or genocide or aids-ridden baby could possibly upset you.

I'm not saying it's all about her looks. No no. Ever since Murder on the Dancefloor graced...well, da
ncefloors, I've been hooked. but never have I had the courage to get an album of hers. Until recently. The urge was too great, and I downloaded her latest album, 'Trip the Light Fantastic'. Expecting poppy dancey pop dance music, I was not left disappointed. Let this be a lesson to you all. If you want something gay, think about it for a few years, then do it.

Go ears! embrace!